Hadithi Zetu

Hadithi Zetu," translating to "Our Stories" in Swahili, is the data division of Africa ReAdapt. This initiative bridges pioneering scientific research from  African academic institutions with community-based data collection, analytics, and communication methodologies to guide climate adaptation strategies. In collaboration with communities, we identify context-sensitive indicators to effectively monitor and achieve adaptation objectives.

Recognizing that knowledge wields power in the battle against climate change, ReAdapt believes that data is not just neutral – it is political. The supposed objectivity of "evidence-based" decision-making has, over time, marginalized communities, overshadowed diverse voices, and brushed aside inconvenient truths.

ReAdapt, through Hadithi Zetu, is unwavering in its dedication to a decolonised knowledge generation process, one that celebrates and integrates diverse epistemologies.


Explore some of our approaches to community-based data collection and analysis

Amplifying community voices through film

Amplifying community voices through film

Using film to document and share indigenous and local community experiences, wisdom, and solutions related to climate adaptation can ensure that these vital voices are part of the broader climate conversation. 

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Digital Solutions to participatory research

Digital Solutions to participatory research

Digital solutions have significantly transformed community-based data collection by making it more efficient, accurate, and scalable.

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Historical and community mapping

Historical and community mapping

We embrace decolonial historical realism in our apporach to community-based data collection by embracing the socio-histoical context in which current climate challenges are embedded 

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